Thursday 20 March 2008

New Cath Kidston

I am usually pretty neutral about Cath Kidston, but they have expanded their kids line starting this spring and they have some cool stuff for both 'chic baby' boys and girls. First up, I like both their bibs (6 GBP) and their aprons (8 GBP). I especially like that they have patterns for girls, that even though it is mainly pink, it has other colors like green and blue mixed in. Cute gifting ideas.

I am also loving their little cowboy outfit for 'chic baby boys'. The shirt is 18GBP and the tassle jeans are 25 GBP, although I think the jeans could work for 'chic baby girls' too. You can't see from the website but the shirt also has a cowboy with a lasso on the back.

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